Wellness Wednesday 4.10.24

Coffee creamers: what to avoid!

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Wellness Wednesday in 3 mins

☕️☕️Coffee Creamers, What to Avoid

🏋🏻‍♀️ 🏋🏼‍♂️Breaking Down Successful Habits

💪💪 Wednesday Workout (Resistance Bands)

🤯 🤯Consistency and Stability

Coffee Creamers, What to Avoid

Breaking Down Successful Habits!

Now that we know from Monday’s newsletter that “Lifestyle Changes” are the key to maintaining health and fitness goals, where do we start? 🤷‍♀️

Let’s start at the beginning…your morning routine! ☀️ How you start your day, can make or break the rest of your day. So let’s start strong! 💪 

1) Wake up with purpose! 🤩

Studies have shown that the majority of people who hit the “snooze” button, do so because they are not driven by intense purpose to wake up. There may not be something exciting to get up for. SO create that excitement! What is something you want to accomplish? How can waking up at a certain time help you achieve that? Set goals or sets ya morning routine that excites you.  

2) Drink water right away! 💦

Drinking water first thing in the morning gets your organs to wake up! It also completes your morning liver detox, giving your body a fresh start. Then…continue drinking water for two hours to allow your cortisol and energy to reach its peak! Drink your water while you do morning stretches, morning exercises, or morning meditation. Get your body to feel alive inside and out!

3) Make protein a priority 🍳

Now that you’ve had water and moved your body, get your protein in! Whether it’s eggs or protein powder, get a good dose of protein to get those brain neurons firing! And…don’t forget your veggies. Consuming regular veggies will help your body absorb that protein better. So eggs and spinach or a green powder with your protein shake. Think SAVORY BREAKFASTS! You got this!


Consistency and Stability

Consistency and stability are crucial for building trust, reducing stress, and achieving long-term goals. By consistently demonstrating reliability in your actions and behaviors, you foster trust in relationships and create a sense of predictability in your life. This reliability also facilitates goal achievement and personal growth, leading to increased efficiency and reduced anxiety.

🤯🤯Builds Trust and Reliability: Consistently demonstrating reliability and stability in your actions and behaviors fosters trust in relationships, both personal and professional. When others can depend on you to consistently follow through on commitments and obligations, it strengthens bonds and enhances your reputation.

🥅🥅Facilitates Goal Achievement: Consistency is key to achieving long-term goals. By consistently taking small, actionable steps towards your objectives, you create momentum and progress over time. This sustained effort helps you stay focused and motivated, increasing the likelihood of reaching your desired outcomes.

😐😐Reduces Stress and Anxiety: A consistent routine provides a sense of predictability and control, reducing stress and anxiety levels. Knowing what to expect and having a stable foundation allows you to better manage uncertainties and adapt to challenges with resilience.

😎😎Improves Performance and Efficiency: Consistency breeds efficiency and effectiveness in tasks and activities. By establishing consistent workflows, habits, and processes, you streamline operations and optimize performance. Over time, this leads to higher productivity and better outcomes in various areas of life.

🪴🪴Fosters Personal Growth and Development: Consistent effort and practice are fundamental to personal growth and skill development. Whether it's learning a new skill, adopting healthier habits, or pursuing personal interests, consistency allows you to make gradual progress and cultivate mastery over time. This continuous growth enhances self-confidence and fulfillment.

Consistency and stability provide a solid foundation for success by building trust, facilitating goal achievement, reducing stress, improving performance, and fostering personal growth. By prioritizing these qualities in your life, you can navigate challenges more effectively and realize your full potential.

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Have a great day,

 Jamie and Ashley


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