Wellness Wednesday 4.3.24

Red Light Therapy!

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Midweek Motivation in 3 Minutes

🎙️Unlocking Earth’s Energy

💪🏼On The Go Workout

🤯Mindful Wellness

😋Solar Eclipse 2024

Unlocking Earth’s Energy

On The Go Workout

Mindful Wellness

Solar Eclipse 2024

A solar eclipse can have various energy effects, both tangible and intangible, on the Earth, the environment and on OUR BODIES. Here are some of the key effects:

☀️Temperature Changes: During a solar eclipse, there can be a noticeable drop in temperature as the Moon blocks the Sun's rays. This drop can vary depending on factors such as the duration of totality and the local weather conditions.

Don’t Forget your eclipse shades! Buy them here eclipse shades!!

🌍Changes in Light: The sudden darkness that occurs during a total solar eclipse can have psychological effects on animals and humans. Some animals may become confused or exhibit changes in behavior, while humans may experience feelings of awe or even fear.

🌜Impact on Solar Power Generation: Solar eclipses can temporarily disrupt solar power generation as the amount of sunlight reaching solar panels decreases. However, modern power grids are typically able to compensate for this decrease by quickly ramping up other sources of electricity generation.

☀️Atmospheric Changes: The sudden decrease in solar radiation during an eclipse can lead to changes in atmospheric dynamics, including shifts in wind patterns and turbulence.

🌍Scientific Observations: Solar eclipses provide scientists with unique opportunities to study the Sun's outer atmosphere (corona) and other phenomena, such as the effects of solar radiation on the Earth's ionosphere.

🌜Cultural and Spiritual Significance: Solar eclipses have been viewed as significant events in many cultures throughout history and can have profound cultural and spiritual effects on people who witness them.

Overall, while the energy effects of a solar eclipse may be relatively short-lived and localized, they can have a range of impacts on both the natural environment and human society. Our bodies, especially, are more sensitive to environmental fluctuations than we realize! Our bodies pick up on these changes really well. So keep drinking your water, eating your protein and exercising so that your body adapts better all the time. 💪

Wisdom Wednesday is next,

 Jamie and Ashley


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