NFN8|BLUE Aviation and Business Travel Newsletter

Welcome to the NFN8|BLUE(Infinite Blue 😊) Aviation and Business Travel Newsletter. We want to bring a laugh, some health, and a touch of news to your Thursday mornings through our experiences in aviation and travel!

Best Travel Tips and Accessories

A View from the Wing: Gary Leff


Spain-Part III

After an exhausting five days with only a total of five hours of sleep, it was finally time to bid farewell to Ibiza. Our time on the island had been a whirlwind of relentless revelry, devoid of any culinary explorations. With no intention of savoring local dishes, we packed our bags and made our way to the ferry.

During our journey to the ferry, we stumbled upon an unlikely dining option - a combination of KFC and Pizza Hut. In our sleep-deprived state, we devoured an entire bucket of fried chicken and two pizzas, a decision that now seems incomprehensible. Yet, at the time, it was our best meal in the five days we'd spent on the island.

Once aboard the ferry, we ascended to the top deck, where the only companions were the open air and rows of benches. With nine hours ahead of us on the Mediterranean, we eagerly surrendered to the need for sleep.

The following morning, we arrived in Barcelona at 6 a.m., promptly renting a car for the 4-5 hour drive to Pamplona. Our destination was the famous Running of the Bulls, and once again, we hadn't secured any hotel reservations. Instead, we improvised, finding a median in the middle of the street to set up camp for three nights.

Pamplona greeted us with an atmosphere of exhilaration and tradition. Clad in typical Southern Californian attire, we quickly remedied our sartorial shortcomings by purchasing white shirts, pants, and adorning ourselves with red sashes and bandanas. However, my mishap left me penniless, as I inadvertently left my wallet in the store.

Our culinary experience in Pamplona included savoring paella, followed by an early bedtime around 10 or 11 p.m. As the clock struck midnight, a spectacular fireworks display lit up the night sky, signaling the commencement of the world-famous Running of the Bulls, set to unfold in all its glory the next day.


✈️On Tuesday, JetBlue Reveals Third-Quarter Net Loss, Attributing it to Weather Disruptions, "Unprecedented" Air Traffic Control Restrictions, and Increased Fuel Costs, Say Executives.

✈️Ex-Delta Co-Pilot Indicted for Threatening to Shoot Captain Over Diverting 

✈️Kyiv Celebrates Russia's Aviation: Industry Struggles Due to Maintenance Woes and Breakdowns

✈️Delta Unveils Extensive Selection of Discounted Domestic and International Flights

Health on the Go

It's the season to boost your immune system! If you are already supporting your immune system with a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and lean protein, then consider these extra tips for avoiding sickness this holiday season:

1) Supplements: Boost your immune system with supplements such as Turmeric, Ginger, Echinacea, Astragalus Root, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, D and Zinc. Ask your health provider for appropriate dosage. 

2) Stay active: It's more important than ever to stay active right now. Not only does exercise get the immune cells moving throughout the body during activity, but it also promotes a lasting presence of these immune cells for up to 3 hours after exercise is completed! This provides extra time for the immune cells to identify unwanted intruders and keep you from getting sick.

Exercise also boosts mood and helps maintain a healthy weight. 

3) Stay hydrated: aim for half to full body weight in water each day to continue to flush toxins from the body. 

4) Reduce or eliminate sugar: sugar is highly inflammatory and a big contributor to fall colds and flu. When your immune system is compromised by inflammation, you are more susceptible to getting sick.

5) Sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being. Aim for 7-9 hrs of quality sleep each night. Establish a bedtime routine, create a relaxing environment and limit exposure to screens before bed to improve the quality of your sleep. If you can not always get 7-9 hrs of sleep, aim for waking up at a consistent time each morning (yes that means weekends). If you can stay within 90 mins of your typical wake time, your body will have an easier time following its optimal circadian rhythm. 

6) Practice good hygiene: since fall is the time when cold and flu viruses can become more prevalent, it is important to reduce your risk of getting sick by washing hands frequently, avoiding close contact with sick individuals, and covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. 

7) Stay mentally healthy: the change in seasons can sometimes affect our mood. Take time for self-care activities such as meditation, reading, or pursuing hobbies you enjoy! Stay connected with loved ones and seek support if needed.

Remember, these tips are general guidelines, and it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice based on your specific needs and health conditions. 

In Room Workout

-Coach Ashley

This Week in Aviation

✈️30 October 1908 (France) — Henry Farman performs the first cross-country flight in Europe as well as the first flight between two towns.

✈️31 October 1939 (USA) — The Mackay Army Trophy for 1938 is presented to the 2nd Bombardment Group, Langley Field, Virginia by the Secretary of War, Harry H. Woodring. The trophy was won as a result of the efficient and successful completion of the flight of six Boeing B-17 “Flying Fortresses” from Langley Field, Virginia, to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and return during February, 1938.

✈️1 November 1954 (USA) — The United States Air Force retires its last Boeing B-29 “Superfortress” from service.

✈️1 November 1957 (USA) — The Bell GAM-63 “Rascal” air-to-surface guided missile officially becomes operational with the Strategic Air Command at Pinecastle AFB, Florida.

✈️3 November 1926 (USA) — Captain Charles Lindbergh jumps from his disabled airplane during a night airmail flight. This is the fourth time he has had to use his parachute to save his life.

Catch you next week,



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