Motivational Mondays 2.19.24

Welcome to the NFN8|BLUE’s(Infinite Blue 😊) Motivational Monday Newsletter. 

Motivational Monday in 3 Minutes

Motivational Monday in 3 Minutes

🤯Motivational Quote

😋Health on The Go

💁🏻‍♂️Spring Training Travel Tips

Motivational Quote

Health on the Go

10 ways to transform your health in 2024 continued

#6. Eat mindfully

🍽️In our busy lives, many of us eat breakfast at breakneck speed, or gobble up lunch in front of our computers to make the most of our time. We are completely disconnected from our relationship with food.

🤯However, it is important to devote at least 20 minutes to each meal. Mindfulness is about considering a moment in its own right, and paying attention to what we eat. How often do people get results simply from adding what they eat into a food tracking app! It’s not necessarily the app, it’s that we are more mindful when we track.

🤯Applying mindfulness to our eating habits will have several beneficial impacts. First, it enables us to listen to our hunger and satiety signals and ensure that our intake is adapted to our needs. This will reduce the quantities we consume and our cravings for snacks.

🤯Mindful eating also helps develop a preference for healthier foods: when we eat impulsively and emotionally without listening to our bodies, we no longer feel the pleasure of eating, and we are more susceptible to fatty, sweet and salty foods.

🤯Finally, mindfulness also contributes to mental well-being. It allows you to observe your feelings without judgment, and to listen to yourself. Thinking only of the present moment during a meal also helps to still the mind and lower stress and anxiety.

🍽️So my friends, even with our busy lifestyles, eat with purpose and enjoy your food to its fullest!!

-Coach Ashley

Spring Training Travel Tips

Choosing your location wisely

⚾Research Team Locations: Before deciding on your spring training destination, research which MLB teams hold their camps in Florida and Arizona. This will help you narrow down your options based on the teams you're interested in seeing.

Scottsdale Stadium

⚾Proximity to Airports: Consider the distance and convenience of airports near the spring training locations. Choosing a city with a nearby airport can make your travel logistics much smoother, especially if you're flying in from out of state.

⚾Accommodations Availability: Check the availability and affordability of accommodations in each city. Some spring training locations may have limited hotel options, so it's essential to book your accommodations early, especially if you're traveling during peak season.

Surprise Stadium

⚾Number of Teams: Determine how many teams you want to see during your spring training trip. Some cities in Florida and Arizona host multiple teams, allowing you to catch games from different teams without traveling far.

⚾Local Attractions and Amenities: Consider the amenities and attractions available in each city beyond baseball. Look for cities that offer dining options, shopping areas, and other attractions to enjoy during your downtime between games. This can enhance your overall spring training experience.

See you on Wednesday,

 Jamie and Ashley


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