Motivational Monday 5.6.24

🤯More water=less body fat!

Welcome health and fitness enthusiasts! We are here to take you the EXTRA MILE in your health and fitness goals. Giving you nutrition and fitness tips in 15 mins or less to stay healthy when navigating busy schedules. Thank you for your support and please let us know how we can better serve you.

Monday Motivation in 3 Minutes or less

🤯More water=less body fat!

🎙️Prioritize Yourself

#6) Ways to Enhance Your Fat Loss…Drink your body weight in ounces of water! 💦 

We’ve all heard approximations of how much water we should be drinking to stay healthy (64 oz, half our body weight in ounces, etc.). HOWEVER, if you’re seriously looking to lose body fat, increasing your water to FULL body weight in ounces will be the trick!

Once a person drinks enough water, they will lose the excess water weight, which can appear as a noticeable loss of weight.

If the body becomes dehydrated, it begins to STORE water. This can make people feel more bloated or heavier then they would usually.

Increasing water is important for fat loss because it helps to boost metabolism and promote the burning of calories. When you are properly hydrated, your body functions more efficiently…including the breakdown of fats! 👊

Additionally, drinking water can help reduce appetite, making you feel fuller and less likely to overeat. Staying hydrated also supports proper digestion and helps flush out toxins from the body.

Therefore, drinking water is an essential component of a healthy weight loss journey!

✴️ Side note: YOUR SKIN WILL GLOW!

6 TRICKS for increasing your water:

1) drink 16-32 ounces right when you wake up

2) bring your water bottle with you EVERYWHERE!

3) if you’re at a restaurant try to drink at least 2 glasses of water before your food comes

4) drink half your body weight in ounces by noon each day

5) drink 10 sips every time you go to drink your water

6) add some cucumbers, mint or electrolytes in your water if you need flavor or nutrients to help your body absorb the water


Prioritize Yourself

Prioritizing yourself is not selfish; it's ESSENTIAL for overall well-being. When you prioritize yourself, you acknowledge your needs, boundaries, and aspirations. This self-awareness fosters better mental, emotional, and physical health. Setting boundaries helps prevent burnout and fosters healthier relationships. By investing time in self-care activities like exercise, meditation, or pursuing hobbies, you replenish your energy and increase resilience. Prioritizing yourself doesn't mean neglecting others; it enables you to show up more authentically and effectively for them. Remember, self-care isn't a luxury but a necessity. Embrace it guilt-free, knowing that by taking care of yourself, you can better serve others.

Wellness Wednesday is next,

 Jamie and Ashley


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