Motivational Monday 5.20.24

Eat MORE for better fat loss??

Happy Monday Extra Milers! How are you going to go the EXTRA MILE this week? Failing to plan is a plan to fail. So let’s get to it!

Motivational Monday in 3 Minutes

🤯🤯10 Ways to Enhance Your Fat Loss Continued!…Eat More! …wait what???

🤯 🤯Losing Fat Can Be A Challenge

🤯 10 Ways to Enhance Your Fat Loss Continued!…Eat More! …wait what???

Most people have tried a dozen or more “diet plans” or “fad diets” in their lifetime. Most of those diet plans consist of restricting, specifically restricting calories. Calories have very little to do with losing actual body FAT!

Our bodies NEED nutrients to function properly. So when we restrict for too long, the body rebels and instead starts STORING the calories and nutrients we DO consume just in case we don’t give it enough to perform properly the next day. (Very stressful on the body.)

It’s no wonder, people have told me “it’s gotten to the point where I LOOK at food and gain weight!”

Instead, fueling the body with nutrients that help it thrive and completely turn off this “survival mode” will in fact help the body to LET GO of that storage because it no longer needs it for a “rainy day”.

When we restrict calories, we may lose “weight”…but it could be our hydration or muscles that go and NOT body fat. We lose ACTUAL BODY FAT, when we concentrate on fueling our bodies with proper protein, carbohydrates and fats, and getting rid of the “empty calories”…those “dead foods”.

If we are eating something that was created in a factory or lab, our body is getting no benefit from that food. It may end up STORING those chemicals in our fat cells because our body doesn’t know what to do with them! Those fat cells will then be harder to release.

Instead, focus on eating MORE of the proteins, vegetables, fruits, and fats that were once ALIVE and will now help our body. Those foods also trigger our hormones properly so that when we’ve had enough, our hormones tell us we are full. So it’s very hard to overeat those foods.

Versus: how many times have you eaten an entire bag of chips or box of cookies and are still hungry?!? Your body did not get any nutrition from those items so your body is still looking for nutrients.

So eat MORE of the good foods and less of the fake foods and you will be rewarded with more energy, better sleep, better mood, fat loss AND anti-aging. It’s a win all the way around! Good luck friends!

Side tip: download a good tracking app to see how many macros (protein, fat and carbohydrates) your body is getting each day. The more you know the better! I like Carb Manager, but MyFitnessPal, LoseIt, FitBit, and many more are out there to help you too! Find one you like and start. 👊

Losing Fat Can Be A Challenge

Losing fat can be challenging, but with the right motivation, you can achieve your goals. Here are five tips to help keep you motivated on your fat loss journey:

Set Clear, Achievable Goals 🎯📅

Define specific, measurable, and realistic goals. Instead of saying, "I want to lose weight," aim for "I want to lose 10 pounds in the next 3 months." Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable milestones to celebrate progress along the way. ✅

Track Your Progress 📈📓

Keep a journal or use an app 📱 to record your food intake, workouts, and weight changes. Seeing your progress over time can boost your motivation and help you identify patterns or areas that need adjustment. 🏃‍♀️💪

Find a Support System 🤝👥

Surround yourself with supportive friends, family, or join a group with similar goals. Having a workout buddy 🏋️‍♂️ or being part of a community can provide encouragement, accountability, and shared tips and experiences. 🗣️👫

Reward Yourself 🎉🎁

Set up a system of rewards for reaching milestones. Choose non-food rewards such as a new workout outfit 👟, a massage 💆‍♂️, or a day trip 🚗. These rewards can serve as positive reinforcement and make the journey more enjoyable. 😃🥳

Stay Educated and Inspired 📚🎥

Read articles, watch videos, or follow social media accounts 📱 related to fitness and fat loss. Learning about different strategies, success stories, and tips can keep you informed and inspired. Education can also help you make better choices and stay committed to your goals. 🌟📝

By implementing these strategies, you can maintain motivation and make consistent progress toward losing fat and achieving a healthier lifestyle. 🌟🏆

Wellness Wednesday is next,

 Jamie and Ashley


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