Motivational Monday 12.25.23

Welcome to the NFN8|BLUE’s(Infinite Blue 😊) Motivational Monday Newsletter. Mondays will be have your travel workouts, on the go diet ideas, and motivational quotes. I will still be as funny as I can. Let’s get the week started!

Happy Holidays to all!

We're trying to spread the word about NFN8|BLUE and as a thank you for your support we're giving away a free travel scale to a new follower! Winner will be selected at random and notified via DM on Christmas Day. Thank you and good luck!"

Motivational Quote

"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking." - William Butler Yeats

Health on the Go

Power of Ayurveda:

Winter is a season that has a significant impact on our well-being according to Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine. Here are some Ayurvedic tips to help you maintain balance and promote health during the winter: 

✈️Follow a warming diet: In Ayurveda, it is believed that during winter, our digestive fire (agni) is strong. To support this, include warm, cooked foods in your diet. Opt for nourishing soups, stews, and herbal teas. Incorporate spices like ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, and black pepper, as they help improve digestion and provide warmth. 

✈️Stay hydrated: Even though it's cold outside, it's important to stay hydrated. Drink warm water throughout the day and consider sipping on herbal teas like ginger or tulsi (holy basil) tea. Avoid excessive consumption of cold or iced beverages. 

✈️Protect your skin: Cold weather can be harsh on the skin, so it's essential to protect and nourish it. Use natural, oil-based moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated. Consider using oils like sesame, almond, or coconut for self-massage (abhyanga) before showering to promote circulation and moisturize the skin. 

✈️Maintain a routine: Winter can be a time of lethargy and imbalance. Establishing a daily routine can help bring stability and grounding. Wake up and go to bed at consistent times, and incorporate self-care practices like meditation, yoga, or gentle exercise into your daily schedule. 

✈️Practice oil pulling: Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil in your mouth for a few minutes. This practice helps remove toxins and supports oral health. During winter, consider using warm sesame oil for oil pulling to provide warmth and nourishment to your oral cavity. 

✈️Engage in gentle exercise: Stay active during winter, but opt for gentle exercises that support grounding and stability. Practices like yoga, tai chi, or walking in nature can help balance the body and mind without exerting excessive energy. 

✈️Balance your doshas: According to Ayurveda, each person has a unique combination of doshas (vata, pitta, kapha), and maintaining their balance is crucial for optimal health. In winter, the vata dosha tends to increase, leading to dryness and coldness. To balance vata, focus on warm, nourishing foods, regular routines, and self-care practices. 

✈️Stay connected to nature: Despite the colder weather, try to spend time in nature and connect with its rhythms. Bundle up and go for walks in the sunlight, breathe in fresh air, and appreciate the beauty of winter. This connection with nature helps promote balance and overall well-being. 

Remember, Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health, and it's always beneficial to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional for personalized guidance based on your unique constitution and health needs. Embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda to support your well-being during the winter season.

In Room Workout

Health Travel Tip

✈️Sleep, that elusive state of blissful oblivion, becomes even more of a treasure hunt when time zones decide to play musical chairs with your body clock during travel. Yes, jet lag – the ultimate game of 'Guess the Time, Wrong-o!' But fear not, weary travelers, for navigating this topsy-turvy world of time zones while chasing that coveted shut-eye can be an adventure in itself.

Picture this: you arrive at your destination, enthusiasm in tow, only to find your internal clock still stuck somewhere over the Atlantic. Suddenly, 'morning person' and 'night owl' become interchangeable titles as your body grapples with what feels like a time-traveling rollercoaster ride.

In this wacky quest for rest, strategies emerge that could rival the complexities of a NASA launch. You might find yourself sipping herbal teas touted to hypnotize you into dreamland or donning an eye mask the size of a superhero's shield in hopes of tricking your brain into believing it's bedtime – even if the sun is mocking your attempts by shining brighter than a supernova.

Oh, the lengths we go to for a few extra Z's! From contorting into pretzel-like positions on plane seats that masquerade as beds to bargaining with the Sandman himself, travelers become connoisseurs of sleep-deprived creativity.

Yet, amidst the chaos, there's a nugget of truth: quality sleep remains the elusive treasure chest at the end of this comical, sleep-deprived rainbow. So, fellow adventurers in the land of time zones, embrace the quirky, laugh at the absurdity, and remember, in the battle against jet lag, a good sense of humor might just be your best sleep aid. Happy snoozing, intrepid travelers!

Catch you next week,



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