Midweek Motivation 3.13.24

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 Monday Mile in 3 Minutes

👀In Case You Missed It

🤯The Mile High or Low Temps

😋Health Hacks

🥅Set Goals

In Case You Missed It

The Mile High, or Low Temps

10 Ways to Transform Your Health in 2024 continued!

9. Opt for low-temperature cooking

🌡️Cooking at high temperatures erodes the nutritional quality of food: it leads to the destruction of certain vitamins and minerals. Some vitamins are very sensitive to heat, and foods can easily lose 50% of their initial vitamin content during cooking. The longer the cooking time and the higher the temperature, the lower the nutritional content of the food.

🌡️In addition, browning food during cooking is accompanied by the production of Maillard bodies, compounds which, in excessive quantities, can increase the risk of developing certain cancers.

🌡️Opt for low-temperature cooking, i.e. below 210°F. The most useful method is gently steaming your foods.

🌡️Using high temperatures with olive, flaxseed, walnut, and unrefined coconut oil is also not recommended because they have a low smoke point. When heated beyond their smoke point, these oils can break down and produce harmful compounds, such as free radicals and acrolein, which can be harmful to health. If you still choose to cook at high temperatures (EX frying or sautéing), it is better to use oils with higher smoke points, such as avocado oil or refined coconut oil.

Health Hacks!

🍵🍵Did you know that caffeine does not give you energy? Instead it preserves the energy you have in your body at the moment so you don’t lose anymore. 

When we wake up, our bodies are increasing Cortisol to naturally wake us up. Ironically, Caffeine interrupts the increase of Cortisol so if you drink it within 2 hours of waking up, you are actually stopping the energy you could develop for the day. 

So instead, drink water the first 2 hours after waking! You will feel a lot more energized and hydrated! 

Earn your coffee friends! (Or after this hack…you might not even need it!!) 😜😜

Mindful Wellness Blog

Wednesday Motivation-Set Goals

  1. Clarity and Direction: Clear goals provide individuals with a sense of direction, helping them prioritize tasks and allocate resources effectively. When individuals know what they are working towards, they can focus their efforts on tasks that align with those objectives, which enhances motivation. But instead of making a single goal to look forward to, create habit goals that you can achieve all throughout the the week and month. Habit goals ensures that you are building the regular habits to MAINTAIN success. Then when you eventually reach that intended goal, you just keep going rather than losing the goal you set out for.

  2. Motivational Fuel: Goals serve as motivational fuel by giving individuals something tangible to strive for. They provide a sense of purpose and meaning to tasks, making them more engaging and rewarding. The clearer the goals, the more motivated individuals are to pursue them. Also the more regular, mini goals you make, (small attainable habit goals frequently), the more motivated you will stay.

  3. Measurement and Progress: Clear habit goals enable individuals to measure their progress frequently and track their achievements over time. This sense of progress can boost motivation by providing evidence of success each week and reinforcing the belief that efforts are paying off.

  4. Realistic Expectations: Realistic expectations ensure that goals are achievable and within reach. When individuals believe that their goals are attainable, they are more likely to stay motivated and committed to their pursuits. Unrealistic expectations, on the other hand, can lead to frustration and demotivation. For example a goal of making 30 min workouts 5 times a week. If 5 is the ultimate goal, start with 3 as the non-negotiable and then if a 4th and or 5th are achieved, then BONUS! But 3 is a might be the more realistic start to stay consistent.

  5. Adaptability and Flexibility: While clear goals are important, it's also essential to be adaptable and flexible in adjusting them as circumstances change. By being open to revisions and modifications, individuals can maintain motivation even in the face of setbacks or unexpected challenges. This flexibility allows for a more dynamic approach to goal achievement, fostering resilience and perseverance.

Happy Hump Day

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We will see you next week,

Jamie and Ashley


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