A Little Extra 5.3.24

Getting active with the family in 6 mins!

Welcome to The Extra Mile! Taking your health, fitness and nutrition the EXTRA mile with tips and tricks that are 15 mins or less. Thank you for your support and please let us know how we can better serve you.


The Extra Pop

🧠🧠Parental Mindsets-How Can We help Our Kids’ Mindset

🧠🧠Brain Break

Parental Mindsets-How Can We help Our Kids’ Mindset

"As May blooms, let's sow the seeds of healthy habits in our children's lives. Embrace outdoor workouts as a family, showing them the joy of movement amidst nature's splendor.

Let's lead by example, instilling in them a love for fitness and the great outdoors. Together, we can foster resilience, discipline, and a positive mindset. May these moments of shared activity not only strengthen our bodies but also deepen the bonds within our families.

Let's empower our children to embrace an active lifestyle, setting them on a path towards lifelong health and happiness. Let's make May the month of family fitness!"

Speaking of getting active as a family…If you’ve never done one of these Brain Break videos as a family, try it!

They are a fun way to be active as a family, laugh and work together. They’re quick videos and get the heart pumping!

Have a great and ACTIVE Weekend!

 Jamie and Ashley


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