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10 foods for better sleep!

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🐟10 Foods for Better Sleep

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10 Foods for Better Sleep, a.k.a. 10 Foods That Are High in Melatonin

💤Have you ever taken Melatonin supplements to help your sleep? These days, Melatonin is a pretty household name. But pills and gummies aren’t the only way for you to supplement your body’s melatonin— did you know you can get melatonin from the foods you eat too?

Some foods are high in sleep-promoting compounds such as tryptophan, magnesium, and yes, melatonin. Eating these foods can help you get a better night’s sleep by naturally boosting your body’s melatonin level, but be careful— there are some foods you will want to avoid also.


  • Melatonin is a hormone that regulates our sleep-wake cycle.

  • Milk, nuts, cherries, fish, rice, goji berries, and oats contain melatonin.

  • Avoid spicy food, chocolate, tomatoes, pizza, and citrus fruits before bed.

  • Your daily diet and sleep hygiene are key to improving sleep.

In general, following a Mediterranean Diet will improve overall sleep and and has been associated with higher sleep quality. However if you’re looking for the 10 food items that increase sleep quality, here you go:

1) Milk

🥛🥛A glass of warm milk is a well-known and common sleep remedy, and for good reason! Milk is one of the best dietary sources of melatonin. It also contains the amino acid tryptophan, which increases concentrations of melatonin and serotonin and helps you drift off to sleep easier. 

2) Pistachios

🥜🥜Many nuts including cashews and almonds contain melatonin, but pistachios have a higher amount than the others. Pistachios are also high in vitamin B6, which helps convert tryptophan into melatonin. 

Pistachios are great sources of fiber, omega 3 fatty acids— which are linked to higher sleep quality— and antioxidants too.

3) Tart Cherries

🍒🍒As their name states, tart cherries (and tart cherry juice) are more sour than other sweeter cherries you can also find at the grocery store. Not only are they high in melatonin, but tart cherries are also rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that can help keep you healthy.

4) Fatty Fish

🐠🐠Fatty fish like salmon and tuna are not only melatonin-rich foods, but they’re also high in vitamin B6, omega 3 fatty acid, magnesium, and vitamin D— all of which are important to regulating serotonin, promoting healthy sleep, and promoting better function during the day.

One study found that participants who ate salmon three times a week slept better and showed improved daytime functioning compared to participants who did not.

5) Rice

🍚🍚Not all carbs are created equal. While some carbohydrates like junk food or sugary beverages can potentially harm your sleep, rice notably does not. Its carbohydrate content is actually conducive to sleep, as well as its melatonin and tryptophan content.

What you eat with the carbs may matter more than the carbs themselves though. For example, sweets before bed can negatively affect your sleep, while consuming rice with a tryptophan-containing protein, such as salmon, may encourage better sleep.

6) Goji Berries

🫐🫐Goji berries are powerful sources of natural melatonin. Considered by many to be a superfood, these berries are also rich in antioxidants, protein, and fiber.

Goji berries may also help improve depression or anxious behavior, which can also help sleep by calming your mind and allowing you to drift off more easily.

7) Oats

🥣🥣Like rice, oats are a “good” carbohydrate that can help lead to better sleep. Whole oats are a great source of melatonin, as well as tryptophan. Oats are also high in fiber, B vitamins, and lots of minerals. 

8) Mushrooms

🍄🍄Mushrooms are rich in melatonin, and also contain tryptophan. They’re also great sources of protein, fiber, and antioxidants.

Whether you like portabella mushrooms, button mushrooms, or their more exotic relatives, all kinds of mushrooms contain the same health and sleep benefits.

9) Corn

🌽🌽Whether you enjoy it off or on the cob, corn is another melatonin-rich food. Corn also contains tryptophan which is, of course, also conducive for sleep.

10) Bananas

🍌🍌Bananas are an amazingly healthy fruit. Bananas contain melatonin, tryptophan, vitamin B6, and magnesium, which are all great for producing serotonin and helping you sleep.

Bonus: If you boil the banana and make “banana tea”, the skins contain significant magnesium which is very supportive for sleep. While it may sound odd, banana tea is delicious!

One effective motivation tip is to visualize success. Take a few moments each day to imagine yourself achieving your goals or completing tasks successfully.

Picture the details: how it feels, what it looks like, and the positive outcomes. Visualization can help reinforce your belief in your abilities and create a sense of excitement and anticipation, driving you to take action and work towards making your vision a reality.

Have a great Weekend,

 Jamie and Ashley10 foods


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