Friday Travel Stories and News 1.5.24

Welcome to the NFN8|BLUE’s(Infinite Blue 😊) Friday Travel Stories and News. Fridays will be all about different experiences and funny stories. I will still be as funny as I can.

24 Hour Arizona Getaway-Part I

On January 30th, my wife and I decided to pull off a spontaneous escape with the kids from the valley—a 24-hour whirlwind adventure! The night before, we scribbled down a couple of plans for our weekend in Williams, Arizona, crashing in Flagstaff. We had a few morning tasks to tackle, so we didn't hit the road until noon. You know, gotta squeeze in those morning workouts—priorities!

Rolling into Williams around 3 pm, battling some traffic jams along the way, our first stop was the Canyon Coaster. I've been itching to try this out, and with a 40-degree day, it felt like the perfect time. Tickets for all four of us totaled $60—not too shabby. We queued up for about 45 minutes, then off we zoomed! Levi and I shared one sled while Sherry and Landon hopped on another.

The ride up was unexpectedly awesome—scenic views and a fantastic ride. Gazing back over Williams was breathtaking as Levi and I ascended. Once we reached the top, or the American Flag, phones were stashed away, and my hands took over the controls for speed. Naturally, Levi was all about max speed, and I obliged. That mile-long track weaving through the trees was an absolute riot—way longer and more thrilling than your average roller coaster at a theme park. We reached the bottom and waited…and waited some more for the others. Finally, they crept around the corner at a snail's pace.

Post-Coaster, our tummies led us to dinner at Frontier Family Fun. Food scored a decent 7/10, but the kids had a blast. They practically froze their hands off panning for gold and rocks. They'd freeze, dash to the bathroom to defrost, then eagerly head back for more frosty adventures. After our meal, we zipped off to Flagstaff to check into our lodgings.

The day wasn’t over yet, stay tuned for next week to find out what was next!!


Some Travel News

✈️Travel Advisors Predict Ongoing Surge in Luxury Travel for 2024.

✈️Tragic Tokyo Haneda Incident Claims Five Lives, Spotlights Series of Runway Incursions.

✈️During the Entire Holiday Season, American Airlines Cancelled Just 16 Flights.

Exploring the World Through Voluntourism: Making a Difference While Traveling

In recent years, an inspiring trend has emerged in the realm of travel – voluntourism. This innovative approach combines the joy of exploring new destinations with the opportunity to contribute positively to local communities worldwide. Voluntourism, a blend of "volunteering" and "tourism," offers travelers a chance to immerse themselves in meaningful activities while fostering a deeper connection with the places they visit.

Voluntourism offers a diverse range of opportunities. Whether it's teaching English to children in Cambodia, participating in wildlife conservation efforts in Africa, or building houses in Latin America, there's a plethora of avenues for travelers to make a tangible impact. These experiences not only benefit the local communities but also enrich the lives of the volunteers themselves.

One of the key appeals of voluntourism is its flexibility. Participants can choose projects aligned with their interests, skills, and the amount of time they can dedicate. From short-term projects lasting a few days to extended programs spanning several weeks or months, voluntourism offers options for everyone.

Moreover, voluntourism promotes cultural exchange and understanding. Volunteers often live among locals, gaining insights into their way of life, traditions, and challenges. This immersive experience goes beyond sightseeing; it fosters empathy, respect, and a broader worldview.

Critics, however, caution against the pitfalls of "voluntourism for show" – short-term, unskilled volunteer projects that may do more harm than good. Hence, it's crucial to choose reputable organizations focused on sustainable development and community-driven initiatives.

In essence, voluntourism embodies the idea that travel can be more than just leisure—it can be a force for positive change. By blending travel with purposeful action, voluntourism empowers travelers to create lasting impacts and unforgettable memories, making the world a better place, one journey at a time.

Catch you next week,


P.S. We will have a very special travel story next week from Peter(AKA Party Boy). It’s a extraordinary story.

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